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The Tminus approach to life leadership

- a journey mapped in reverse Time... from Spark to Vision... to reaching the Vision.

"the Tminus way" a framework for holistic leadership

New Possibilities through Self-awareness, Understanding others, Understanding global cultures

Time - The single common (and decreasing!) currency for all humans.

Mentoring - Seeking mentors and mentoring others is key to being a leader.

Interdependence - Harnessing synergies with others is the opportunity to make "1+1=11".
(Sanskrit : Paraspara, Chinese: Yin-Yang, Japanese: Sogo Izon)

New Possibilities - At its core, leadership is the relentless pursuit of new avenues.

Universality - Understanding others and immersion in other cultures leads to inclusion.

Spark - Spark is the seed for all inspiration and creativity in life.

The "T" in Tminus stands for Time.

And.. Tminus stands for Time mapped in reverse to reach life goals. We believe that Leadership is all about having a forwards Vision and getting there, by mapping the journey in reverse Time.

Think about it! The single common currency for humans across all cultures is Time!  The countdown begins the moment we enter this world. Assuming an average life span of eighty years, a 30 year old has only 18,250 days to achieve his or her life goals. Time matters!

At Tminus, we examine a new language for leadership development and business transformation, through purposeful conversations and understanding global cultures. We believe that this also serves as a valuable methodology to reach life goals.

Simply stated, the Tminus leadership journey includes the following phases:
The Spark:     Create an organization / team culture to nurture the spark (the aha moment!).
The Vision:    Agree on the end goal (the vision). Ingrain the vision in the team.
The Tminus:  Map out the journey in reverse time from the end goal (vision) with milestones, to starting now!
Execution:      Execute, apply course correction and calibrate the journey.